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Website Speed - Why it is so important in 2024

Written by Joe Frost on .

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Your website speed has never been as important as it is now.   It really does affect everything! 

Google's own research shows that the longer a user has to wait for a page to load, the more chance they will leave your site, with the probability of bounce increasing by 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds.  That is a lot of potential customers leaving a website that is loading slowly.  Website speed is also a crucial part of Google's ranking algorithm.  

 If your page load times are greater than 2.5 seconds, there is every chance that you can get an improvement.

Website Speed Report

Find out if your website speed is fast enough using the following tests:

Top Eight Wordpress Security Tips

Written by Andy Graham on .

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wordpress security top eight tips

Whilst a determined hacker will try many ways to gain access to a website, here are a number of ways to make their lives harder. These tips are very important basic practices if you're running a website that collects information about your users, especially personal information and most importantly credit card data.

Keep your WordPress website up to date!

Always ensure your WordPress installation is up to date. The community behind WordPress (WP) is an extremely active one and when security issues arise, WP is quick to push out a new version. In the admin interface you will always see notifications from WP that a new version is available and also you will see when updates are available for your plugins. You can also activate automatic updates!

How to Content Market Successfully

Written by Anna Barrington on .

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content marketing 4111003 640Let’s be honest here.  How many people enjoy being marketed to? 

Do you ever feel stalked when adverts follow you around on your social channels, or flash up on websites you visit?  How much does this turn you off that brand?

Conversely, what about the brand that is always offering free resources, knowledgeable information or fun and interactive content? 

Which brand are you more likely to purchase from when you are ready to buy?

Understanding this must be the key to defining your content marketing strategy and plan.  It should always be about adding value and never about straightforward selling your services or products.  Of course, your objectives still need to be met, but you will meet them so much quicker if you  build the relationship and trust first, before thinking about that conversion, or sale. 

Before you launch into a content marketing plan, it is worth defining your strategy and objectives.  Below is an overview of how to approach this, and a few tools to get you started or review your existing approach:

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