Social media and PR presentation this morning

I enjoyed giving a presentation this morning to all our friends and colleagues at the Falmouth Business Club breakfast, in which I partnered with Helen Mulhern of Eventy Marketing to give a short presentation on PR and Social Media.
- Helen initially talked about the art of the press release, including how to select your audience, how to write it, distribution, how to improve the changes of getting it published.
- I then followed up with some things you can do using Social media to generate better "traction" for your press release, including distribution via social channels, PR sites, and other sites specific to your target audience.
As usual I had too many slides and was probably rather quick fire, but we had a great turnout (including one of Falmouth's more persistent Seagulls who was trying to break into the room during Helen's bit) and hope that some of the attendees are able to use it to create more successful press releases in the future. It was also great to see a number of new faces, the club is booming and without the fresh blood we would get terribly bored of each other, so thanks for all those that took the trouble to get up early and come to meet everyone.
As Helen and I both enjoyed it we have talked about doing the session again some time, and also putting some notes up on the site for people to refer back to, so watch this space!
Oh and follow Eventy on Twitter:
That's it for today,
All the best,