Putting a rocket under your web site!!

It may be rather stretching the metaphor, but we feel that many Cornish business would benefit from putting a rocket under their web site - something that might propel their traffic and sales figures sky-ward anyway.
(No - don't put it on the bonfire!)
We are running the next installment of our popular "Internet Marketing Course for Cornwall" on November the 4th, where you can learn how to get your web site really contributing to the profitability of your business, by making it a high traffic / high converting destination.
On the day we show you how to identify the right keywords for your web site, how to avoid buying the wrong kind of web site, how to convert visitors into customers, and increase your visitor numbers using SEO - much of which you can do yourself.
Relationships and loyalty are essential, so we look at the methods by which you bring people back to your site time and again, until you become their most natural first choice supplier.
Social Media is this year's biggest buzz-word (barring perhaps "recession"), and we look at how you can use Social Media Marketing, not for wasting a few hours on a Friday afternoon, but as a way of enhancing your web marketing efforts, bringing more visitors, and making real sales.
And before I finish I should mention that although the normal price is £139 + VAT, FREE places are also available for qualifying Cornish Businesses courtesy of DPN (Digital Peninsula Network), and if you get in touch we can give you the application details for these too.