Guests at the Internet Marketing Course

The internet marketing course went well again yesterday, with the usual interesting selection of businesses coming through to understand how to do better on the web. There were a coupld of good local designers there, so I had to be carefull what I said about the effect of too many images and Flash on the Search engine optimisation of a web site! A lynching by designers at the morning coffee break was narrowly avoided.
An additional bonus was that we had a number of old friends in the room, which obviously makes for a pleasant environment for me at the front.
Speakers in addition to Mike Kevern and myself were: Roger from the 12 Volt shop, who talked about the main lessons learned from building up his eCommerce business over the last year. Penny Paddle from Follett Stock gave the module about the legal implications and requirements of trading on-line, and Belinda Waldock from Business Link came in during the afternoon to talk about additional support available to businesses and internet entrepreneurs in Cornwall.
At the end of the day we had the political visitation, from MP Mark Prisk (Shadow Minister for Corwall no less), and Sarah Newton (the local conservative PPC - Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Truro and Falmouth). So the training room reverted to conference format in 10 minutes flat, tea and coffee were served, and we took the opportunity to talk politics. We were impressed by the ability of the political types to have a proper little chat with everyone in the room individually - clearly there is a lot of work into being elected to Parliament, but its always good to meet people that have done that leg-work and made the effort, and to find out a bit more of what they are about.
Please note that although this might appear to be a party political blog post I am strictly neutral, and having Twittered with Charlotte MacKenzie (Labour PPC) and a brother (Arthur Graves) who is a Camden Councillor (Lib Dem), Sarah Newton and I have decided to ensure balance by arguing vociferously via the social networks once we get her to start tweeting!
Forgive me for going a little "Hello" magazine on you now, with a few shots of our trainees and the Follett Stock crew chatting with Mark, Sarah and others.
David Tandy (FS), Martin Pearse (FS), Sarah Newton(PPC), NeilCaddy (JMC) and Chris Lingard (FS)
Iona and Charlotte, recovering after the Internet Marketing Course.
Lucy Morgan and Kathryn Worlock from Follett Stock, and Peter Channon from Over Cornwall.
Belinda from Business Link and Richard Scrase from Follett Stock.
Conveyancer Terri from Follett Stock with Mark Prisk MP - could they be discussing the property market?
Shaun our Cameraman still apparently cheerful afer a long day.
So a final note of thanks to everyone involved on the day particularly our hosts Follett Stock, and looking forward to the next events that we are currently scheduling for April.