Google's extension tool can help increase your Adwords conversion rate and ROI

Google has an additional dimension to Adwords, which makes it possible to enhance your campaigns. Using the ‘Extension’ module enables you to get the most out of your Adword spend. This runs alongside your existing Adwords campaign, at no extra cost, and allows you to include additional information as part of your ad.
Examples of additional information you could include are your phone number, address, special offers and even links to specific products. You can also include links to additional pages on your website.
This could be a good way of extending the reach of your Adwords campaign, as it means potential customers can immediately see a lot more about you in their search results, without having to click further. This should help to increase your Click Through Rate and improve Conversions, as it makes your adverts stand out more against your competitors.
The extensions are grouped under diferent themes, which can be attached to individual campaigns or across your entire Adword account. In brief, the extensions are:
- Location Extension – your company address details
- Call extension - enables smartphone users to contact you directly by clicking on your phone number
- Sitelinks - Hyperlinks to additional pages on your website
- Social Extension – displays your Google+ endorsements (equivalent of Facebook ‘likes’)
- Product extension - links to specific products you wish to promote and includes an image, brief description and price
- Seller ratings - customer ratings and reviews from Google+