#digpen web conference is coming to Falmouth

I'm involved in and of course highly recommending this event at University College Falmouth, it will all be happening this Satuday June 11th, further information below:
On Saturday June 11th, web professionals and students are invited to the third in a series of free events aimed at expanding the web industry in the South West which will be held at Tremough Campus in University College Falmouth.
#digpen III, short for Digital Peninsula, is described as "Unconference" because it has no fixed agenda and is an open forum for anyone interested in the web. The ethos is a democratic process of collaboration driven from a grassroots level. Workshops, quick-fire presentations and networking breaks are on offer to encourage web designers, developers and anyone working or studying in IT to forge links and develop a strong and effective web development community in the South West.
#digpen is the brainchild of Frankie Dolan from Ivybridge. Ms Dolan came up with the idea after trying to find web developers to work on MedWorm, a medical search engine that she created. She used the professional networking site LinkedIn to contact IT workers based in Cornwall and Devon and invited them to the first #digpen in Plymouth. The event was such a huge success that follow-ups were quickly planned.
Ms Dolan said "I was amazed at the response - I don't think any of us realised quite how many top quality people there are living and working in the South West. Working on the web is perfect for Cornwall because all you need is an internet connection, but it can be very isolating - particularly if you work on your own. As we are building a closer web community, based on collaboration rather than competition, we are already starting to act as a magnet for new business opportunities to this area. The South West could become the UK's own version of Silicon Valley: a melting pot of web skills and creative talent, surrounded by beautiful countryside and beaches, attracting investment from all over the world."
Among the organisers of #digpen III are Cornwall-based web companies Channel Digital in Penryn and Iteracy in Lostwithiel, who have both attended previous #digpen events.
University College Falmouth are sponsoring the event and Tremough Campus has been chosen as the venue because organisers are keen to support students and build links between the IT industry and the university. Design and media students at both the Tremough and Wood Lane UCF campuses will be holding their finals shows which #digpen delegates will be encouraged to visit.
The Cornwall event follows the success of the first unconference of 80 IT professionals held in March at Plymouth University, and the second in Exeter in May which attracted over 120 delegates from across Cornwall and Devon. It is expected that the event in Falmouth will attract a similar number.
Registration is now open and spaces are already filling up. The event is free and delegates can sign up and find out more information by visiting http://digpen3.eventbrite.com or searching for the "South West (UK) Web Developers" group on LinkedIn.
#digpen III is the Digital Peninsula's Third Web Unconference and will be held at University College Falmouth, Tremough Campus, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9EZ on Saturday 11th June. For more information visit http://digpen3.eventbrite.com