Cookies & Cream Networking Event - Did Your Website Just Become Illegal?

On 26th May this year, the EU Cookie Directive came into effect. By law, all website owners now have to place a message on their site informing visitors that cookies are in use.
To update you on these changes, we are hosting an event on Wednesday 20th June, where we will discuss what these changes mean for your business, alongside some relaxed networking at the newly opened Tremough Innovation Centre.
Lucy Morgan, Associate Partner and Intellectual Property specialist with Follet Stock, will discuss the legal issues and will be on hand afterwards if you have any general Intellectual Property queries you'd like to talk with her about in an informal setting.
Channel’s Peter Graves will be explaining what practical steps you need to take to ensure your website is compliant, and will also be happy to discuss more general IT and web marketing with you during the networking session.
Cookies & Cream Networking Event
Wednesday 20th June
4.00pm – 6.00pm
Tremough Innovation Centre
Tremough Campus
TR10 9TA
Tel: 01326 567150
If you would like to attend, please RSVP us by 5pm on Monday 18th June at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You can find further information on the EU Cookie Directive and our solutions for Joomla and WordPress within the Developer Resources section of our site.