Congratulations on the Juicy Detailing Launch

We would like to congratulate Andrew and Jen from Juicy Detailing on the launch of their new ecommerce web site, blog and shopping cart:
The site was actually launched on Friday, though some visitors didn't get the live version until Sunday thanks to a rather slow propogation of the domain around the web. However initial feedback has been very good, with most people appreciating the slightly risque humour on the site - so thank you everyone for your comments.
It has been a lot of fun doing the site, mainly because the site's persona "Juicy Jen", likes to have a bit of a flirt with her predominantly male audience. So we've all had a bit of fun helping Jen come up with the right lines.
The work begins in earnest now with SEO and Social media campaigns to build the presence of the site over the coming months. But if you have a car why not go and visit the site, treat yourself to a tin of "Banana Armour" or car shampoo, and let us know how you get on! There are a lot of free titbits and information as well to help you if you want to learn more about detailing, and there are generous discounts on top brand products such as Dodo Juice, Collinite and Chemical Guys, once you have registered with the site and joined the user community.