Article Marketing

A great post by Garrett French, introducing Article Marketing, Blogging, and how they can be made to work together.
For the uninitiated this deals with the highly effective technique of writing short articles about your area of expertise, interest or business, and posting them strateguically on the web to help draw visitors and links to your web site....
Article Marketing: "Adding a Blog to Your Article Marketing Strategy
How can a blog best compliment your current article marketing initiative? There are some quick answers, which I'll break out first and foremost in this article. Secondly I'll investigate how you should differentiate your blog posts from your articles.
4 Quick Tips for Integrating a Blog into Your Article Marketing Strategy
1) Put your blog directly on your main site. Put one of your business's main keyword phrases into the title of your blog. Make the url for your blog the name of the blog itself. Frank's Fish Shop's blog url should look something like this, depending on how Frank architects his site: http://AquariumFishToday/
2) Link to your articles from your blog, even though they are on your site. Don't publish your articles directly in your blog however. Write a little commentary about the article, why you wrote it, what inspired it, who it's for (thx to SEM wiz bw).
3) Link to and mention those who publish your articles. Not the article directories, but rather the websites or newsletters or even other blogs that publish you. Especially if they are useful resources and if you have a decent relationship and or dialogue with the publisher.
4) Discuss responses to your article, whether good or bad in blog posts. Show the how the impact your articles have had on your readers. Show, more importantly, that you're engaged with them.
Differentiating Your Blog Posting and Article Marketing Strategy
A blogging strategy differs significantly from an article marketing strategy, and positions its author differently.
Many writers/marketers simply post entire articles in their blogs. I do, on my article marketing blog, but that's just because I'm not being particularly strategic at the moment. This is not the ideal method if you're looking to maximize the benefit of your blogging and article writing efforts can have on your site's conversions.
These are my opinions about blog posts:
- Blog posts, as a rule, should be shorter than articles and provide bite-sized nuggets of information, usually accompanied by a link.
- Blog posts are great for your quick, from-the-hip reactions/thoughts/opinions to news that affects your industry.
- Blog posts can be chattier in tone, more informal, and perhaps show a bit more of your personality (though your articles should certainly have personality).
- You can write several commentary or "check-out-this-cool-industry-news" blog posts in a tenth of the time it takes to write a decent article.
- Blog posts keep you more regularly in the awareness of your readers/RSS subscribers. Articles are the foundation of your expertise. Blog posts are your constant reminders to others of your expertise.
- Blog posts show your involvement in your industry's conversation, whether you're disagreeing with a colleague's recent article, or lauding an industry player's recent acquisition.
In short, blogs are better for news, commentary and quick analysis while articles are better for establishing your expertise.
This is not entirely a hard and fast rule and should only be followed as a general guideline, especially for those who want to differentiate their blogging efforts from their article marketing efforts.
Executing Your Blogging and Article Marketing Strategy
A dual blogging/article writing strategy is best, as it enables the marketer to position himself as both an industry thought leader by writing great articles and as someone who follows closely the happenings in his industry.
The execution is up to you. Now get writing!