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An opportunity for businesses in Cornwall to have their say

Peter Graves

Written by Peter Graves on .

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This is more of a local topic than a web marketing one, but I think deserves a hearing anyway.

There has been a chain of events around the creation of the new LEP (Local Enterprise partnership) in Cornwall that could be described as "interesting", and I know that  number of businesses people with whom I have spoken have a low regard for the LEP structure that the Cornwall Council has been putting in place.

Probably at the heart of the matter seems to be:

  1. The LEP was announced by the government as being a "private public partnership with a business lead", yet in Cornwall it has been the council that has been in control.
  2. Businesses are supposed to be represented by the Cornwall Chamber and the FSB, yet most businesses here are members of neither, and some do not feel that these organisations represent their views.
  3. In the formation of the LEP claims to have involved a consultation process, yet few of the small businesses that make up Cornwall's majority appear to have been involved.
  4. Complaints made to organisations involved in the LEP have in some cases been met with a tone of "if you disagree you will be punished", rather than any interest in resolving the issues.

So all of the above leave a number of businesses in Cornwall feeling a little excluded, and possibly denied of the chance of involvement in shaping the course that would allow them to provide the prosperity and employment that Cornwall so desperately needs.

However there is an opportunity now for businesses in Cornwall to have a say about this.  We will be hosting the Chief Executive of Cornwall Council - Kevin Lavery at the Falmouth Business Club on Thursday December 8th, to meet  the businesses in attendance there and get involved in discussions about the LEP.  So here at least there is a chance for the smaller business in Cornwall to be heard, and to actually talk with the man that has been at the heart of all the decisions about our future.

If you are not already on the mailing list for the Falmouth Business Club feel free to contact me through this site for attendance details.

And if you are not in Cornwall - my apologies, I'll return to less parochial topics soon!

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